Prayer Leaders Sign-up Info

If you are considering our invitation to host an hour a week for the Global Family Prayer Room. You have landed in the right place!

Here we have all the info that you will need.  Please also check our FAQs which are continually being updated.  If you cannot find the answers, please do contact us.

What is the Commitment?

We are asking for prayer leaders to make a weekly commitment to the same 1 hour each week for the year. 

Prayer leaders will:

  • Bring together a group to pray online in our shared Zoom Prayer Room during that hour (E.g. 6pm every Friday)
  • Have 2 or 3 prayer leaders within your team who can lead (so that everyone can miss a week now and then)
  • Arrive in the Zoom Room at least 5 minutes before your weekly prayer time to facilitate a smooth transition from hour to hour.
  • Provide leadership during your prayer hour and stay in communication with the Global Family prayer room team.

How Do I apply to be a Weekly Prayer Leader?

Step 1: Find an open slot in the Weekly Prayer Schedule.  You can view the Weekly Prayer Schedule here. Keep in mind these times are in Jerusalem time (UTC+2), and you’ll need to convert to your local time zone.

Step 2: Fill out the online sign up form here.

Step 3: The scheduling team will be back in touch with you to confirm your time and/or to ask you more questions.

More Details on Prayer Leading

  • This is a weekly commitment for the year 2024 (1 hour/week for 52 weeks).
  • We keep the master time schedule on Jerusalem time. Time changes are inherently confusing, so be sure to adjust, check, and double-check to translate to your local time. A helpful website to check your time against Jerusalem time is
  • In terms of a prayer focus for your hour, we will provide resources for effective, Biblical prayer for you.
  • Major themes:
    1. praying for the lost and unreached
    2. the unity of the Church
    3. the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
    4. repentance
    5. Israel and the salvation of the Jewish people
    6. Preparation of the Bride for the Lord’s return.

You are also welcome to lead your hour according to how the Lord leads and gifts you (e.g. an hour focused on aspects of the Church's mission and/or the challenges faced by believers around the world), however, it is important that these hours be focused on prayer (not talking, teaching, etc).

Other Important Guidelines:

  • Prayer Hours can be led in any language. 
  • Prayer leaders can take on up to four hours/week.
  • We desire a strong balance of participation around the globe and will have coordinators for all 6 continents.
  • We have a weekly “Church Service” each Friday from 4pm-6pm Jerusalem time with an hour of prayer “all together”, weekly announcements, and a speaker during the second hour.
  • Leaders are welcome to incorporate as much worship music and singing as they want within the confines of the Zoom software.
  • We ask all prayer leaders and their Zoom hosts to participate in at least one training session prior to beginning leadership of their prayer hour.  We encourage leaders to join other hours in prayer as your schedule permits.