Global Family Online 24/7 Prayer
Our Vision – A ‘Global Family’ Online 24/7 Prayer Room hosting Worship-saturated Prayer around the Throne, Around the Clock and Around the Globe!
WHY? - Jesus commanded us, ‘The Harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few… Therefore PRAY, earnestly to the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into the harvest fields!’

Our Motivation
Our Motivation - is that the Lamb who was slain would receive the due reward for his sufferings! Jesus is worthy of the all the worship, all the obedience, and all the affections of the human race. We want to pray and ask the Father to give his Son the nations as his inheritance!
We are called to join hands with one another as we seek the Lord. Come join together with brothers and sisters around the world to worship the King of Kings.

Lead an Hour of Prayer
How does it work? - There are 168 hours in a week. 168 Prayer Leader Teams have made a weekly commitment to host the same hour each week (E.g. Monday, 2pm, Thursday, 5am) for the entire year. These prayer leaders have the heart and soul of this continual, global cry of prayer in many languages, from many nations. We are continuing the continuous prayer around the clock, around the world since January 2021. See open slots here and sign up here.
What is Global Family?
Our Invitation:
Sign up now as a Prayer Leader to host one hour each week with your team.
Join the prayer & worship online anytime.
Sow in to the vision with a Donation.